10 minutes till sunrise

common threads bond separate thoughts
selfless attachment as if it was law
10 minutes till sunrise
10 minutes till sunrise
a lifetime in a blink of an eye
nothing is nothing is what ur after
no real difference between tears and laughter
all along a path of unnoticed fields
baked to perfection we call her ms fields
sirens of man made monsters in the background
global warfare brought first to my First Down
jacket, jacked it, bought it, never sold
we hold to take more, like a story never told
went on a stroll through roads paved of solid gold
never realizing personal fortune could be so bold
10 minutes till sunrise
10 minutes till sunrise
a lifetime in a blink of an eye
here is where the story is given birth
here is where the same story dies
we do what is needed to do what we want
we scratch, fight, and crawl to flaunt
never say i changed
cause hard work to stay the same,
doesn't make sense
hence, the need for defense
10 minutes till sunrise
10 minutes till sunrise
forever trying to touch a virgin sky