Well lets start with where the heart is; with this consistent stream of fusions coming out, one is left wonder, is Nike really this commited to ruining the legacy that "numbered" Jordan's have created. To people who know sneakers this is like painting graffiti over the Sistine chapel. Taking something so beloved and so classic and trying to market it to a new brand of consumer,(Nike's agenda since day one) all the while destroying it....no more to be said
As horrendous as this shoe is, if u can even call it a shoe, it seems to fall in line with everything Adidas has done for the better part of this decade. Trying to emulate its competitors with lack luster designs and even worse delivery, Adidas is slowly becoming one of my most hated company's. The really sad part comes when they debut this monstrosity on the Y-3 label, which is single handily keeping Adidas afloat on the relevancy scale.....no more to be said